Ethics Officials Play an Invaluable Role in the Presidential Transition Process
Shelley Finlayson, Chief of Staff and Program Counsel
Depending on your perspective, the conclusion of the Presidential election can feel like an ending or a beginning. It marks the end of a long campaign and the winding down of the current administration. It also marks the beginning of the Presidential transition process and the forming of a new administration. For the professionals in ethics programs across the government and administrations, it is a time to put preparation into practice.
For more than a year, ethics officials across the government have been preparing to assist a new administration to onboard top leaders, comply with ethics requirements for new employees, and begin leading the government, consistent with the principles of ethical public service. At the same time, ethics officials have been preparing to help outgoing officials conclude their government service in accordance with ethics rules and requirements.
When the outcome of the election is determined and we have a new President-elect, this intensive preparation will begin to pay off. Between now and the inauguration, the incoming administration will identify key ethics staff, begin working with OGE and other agencies to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for PAS nominees through public financial disclosure and ethics agreements. They will also prepare for the day-one success of the new administration’s ethics program, and be prepared to provide ethical leadership for the entire executive workforce. The outgoing administration will facilitate the change in leadership in a multitude of ways. Importantly for the ethics program, they will ensure that outgoing officials comply with ethics requirements like termination financial disclosure filing and receive advice on post-government employment restrictions.
The transition of power between administrations is both a celebrated outcome of our democracy, as well as a time of vulnerability for our country. Ethics officials’ role in supporting the timely changing of leadership across the executive branch helps ensure continuity in the agencies that help to protect our health, safety, and economic security. The ethics program and OGE are prepared to play their role during this critical time period.